The Ultimate Ad Campaign Planner | Social


Meet your must-have doc when it comes to planning professional and organised Facebook (Meta), Instagram and TikTok ad campaigns. Save yourself time planning and managing your campaigns, foster collaboration with people you are working with, and know where each penny is being spent, and how.

This planner was created by the founder of WADED School of Marketing, a senior media buyer who has spent millions on ads, and worked for large tech companies and unicorn start-ups. This planner offers you as a beginner, the ability to start thinking in a more advanced way, and therefore be ahead of a huge chunk of small businesses running Facebook (Meta), Instagram and TikTok ads today.

Gimme →

Included in the planner:

→ Ad dictionary to translate all that complicated technical jargon
→ Budget tracker
→ Ad copy template with a character counter (for Meta (Includes Instagram) and TikTok
→ UTM tracking link generator
→ Naming convention builder for your campaign and ad name
→ Your report
→ Visualising data - pre made graphs to showcase your data
→ Media plan/forecasting sheet - with formulas installed to predict what you'll get for your spend 
→ Testing plan - framework for testing your campaigns
→ Channel image + video specs to share with who ever is making your visuals



  • I’ve been running ad for over 6 years now. I’ve compiled and refined all my favourite tools and tricks for staying organised, getting insight and calculating how much your campaigns will cost you.

  • You’ll love this document as it helps you stay in control of your campaigns and teach you a lot of things about the world of social media ads, taking you from beginner to intermediate level. You’ll use this and sleep well at night knowing that you’re starting to run your ads like the pros do!

  • This is authored by me (Kyomi), a senior digital media buyer (ex N26 + Shopify) who has run Facebook ads for growth startups, tech companies, and run paid social teams.

    After 11 years in digital marketing, almost 6 years specialising in performance marketing, and over 15 million euros spent—I want to share the secrets of the pros with my fellow solopreneurs and on-the-job learners—so they can save themselves time and money!

    I have jam-packed this template with lots of value so you will want for nothing. This is the template I wish someone gave me all those years ago when I thrown into running the Facebook account of a startup I was working for.